November 22, 2021
M+ is open to the public!
After nine years in the making, Asia’s first global museum of contemporary visual culture, is finally open to the public.
The M+ building, designed by Herzog & de Meuron (@herzogdemeuron) in partnership with TFP Farrells and Arup, overlooks Victoria Harbour in the West Kowloon Cultural District. The 110-metre-wide, 65.8-metre-tall LED installation by iart (@iartag) is engaging the museum in visual dialogue with Hong Kong. M+ consists a wast collection of contemporary art, thirty-three galleries, three cinemas, a mediatheque, a research centre and a roof Garden with a stunning view on Hong Kong’s skyline .The building is already among Hong Kong’s most iconic landmarks, both monumental in its architectural form and radically open to the urban landscape.
Pictures: @jsrpixel, @1kmstudio, @visualspassport
Video: @iartag
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